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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The United States and Oil

United States and Oil
  • The United States is still the world's largest oil consumer at 18.8MBD, to put that in perspective we consume more oil than the next four largest consumers: China: 8.3MBD, Japan: 4.4MBD, India: 3.1MBD, and Russia: 2.7MBD
  • We are the 3rd largest producer of Oil in the world at 9.1MBD compared to Russia at 9.9MBD and Saudia Arabia at 9.7MBD.
  • The United States produces just less than 50% of its daily oil consumption, and the rest comes from foriegn suppliers.
  • In total the United States consumes 22% of the world's oil supply.
  • The other 50% of oil that we import is partly from OPEC: 4.67MBD and then 5MBD comes from: Canada 2MBD, Mexico 1.2MBD, Saudia Arabia 1MBD, Nigeria 1MBD, Venezuela .82MBD, Iraq .33MBD, Angola .3MBD, and Brazil .27MBD

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